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Time Description of itinerary and objects of visit
09:00 Departure from Kiev to Novy Petrivtsy village
10:00-12:00 Arrival to “Mezhigirya” residence, excursion. February, 22, 2014 became the crucial point in Ukrainian revolution known as “EuroMaidan”. Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament) removed President Viktor Yanoukovych from his duties. Ex-president himself fled from his famous residence “Mezhigirya”. The residence was opened for any visitors since that day, and this event became the symbol of the victory of the Revolution. Journalists and politicians called "Mezhigirya" the symbol of corruption at the presidential level and the real museum of corruption. Visitors affects the scope and scale of the estate (its area is about 130 hectares). During excursion you’ll have unique chance to see on your own eyes the interior of the famous club house "Honka", landing stage "Galleon", baths, garage for 70 cars. You will see golf field, helicopter landing pad, private church and petrol station, hunting grounds, private zoo and eco-farm (without entrance into the premises).
12:00-14:00 Free time on the huge territory of the residence.
15:00 Return to Kiev.


• entrances (excluding inside visit of buildings);
• transport services;
• guide(interpreter) services

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